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Why do SJW game journalists hate Far Cry 5?

In recent years it has become a trend among regressive leftist video game journalists to choose some random video game and start relentlessly attacking it, often for the stupidest of reasons, sometimes with no apparent reason at all.

The latest victim of this trend appears to be Ubisoft's latest entry in the Far Cry series. Article after article is being written by these journalists, attacking it for the silliest of reasons. For example one of the newest such articles criticizes the game for having a blank-slate silent protagonist. A staple of video games that has been used for many decades.

If one were to skim through these articles, one could easily get the impression that this game somehow glorifies American gun-happy religious ultra-conservatism. But of course that's not the case. As somebody commented somewhere, this game "is apolitical as f***".

It appears to me that what irks these regressive leftist journalists is that the game depicts American conservatives as NPCs, completely neutrally, without taking a political stance, without relentlessly attacking and criticizing them. American SJWs just can't stand that.

(Yes, even in that article I mentioned above, the motivation for criticizing the "blank-slate silent protagonist" is that said protagonist, by virtue of being silent, doesn't retort to nor criticize any of the conservative NPCs he or she encounters. The playable character just encounters them, listens to what they have to say, and doesn't respond anything back, at least not audibly, as is the convention in games with a silent protagonist. As per the convention, a response might be implied, but not explicitly made audible. It's left ambiguous whether there is an in-universe response or not.)

Other articles have criticized the game more explicitly for not criticizing American conservatism. As said, it appears that they just can't stand a work of fiction that depicts conservatives and takes no stance and remains neutral.

From my perspective the funny thing about all this is that these attacks serve as kind of reverse advertisement for the game in question. Rather than driving me away from the game and not want to play it, all these articles have had the exact opposite effect: They have made me interested in the game.

In fact, without these articles I would have done what I normally do with new games: Wait for a sale or price drop before deciding on a purchase. During my life I have purchased literally hundreds and hundreds of games, yet I can count with the fingers of one hand the amount of games I have purchased at full price (ie. the 50+€ range).

I decided to add this game to that very short list. Yes, I purchased it at full price. Just because of all those articles attacking it.

I have played the game for about 20 hours, and so far I'm liking it. In the recent past, for a time I was kind of bored of wide open sandbox games, especially the ones using the Far Cry formula, but recently I have become interested in them once again. I'm actually enjoying this game quite a lot. It might not be the most innovative and mind-blowing game in existence, but I like it nevertheless. It helps that it looks gorgeous, as is traditional with the Far Cry franchise.
