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Immigrants will cause Europe to collapse

The European press has become more and more silent about the flood of African and Middle-Eastern immigrants entering Europe. This has given many people the false notion that the amount of immigrants has decreased significantly.

Yet it's not true. It is still estimated that the amount of African and Middle-Easter economic migrants entering europe every single day is in the thousands. The estimate of the total number of immigrants entering Europe this year alone is between 500 thousand and a million. And there is no end in sight. It's not like the amount of immigrants trying to and entering Europe has decreased over time. At some places (such as Italy and Greece) it has, on the contrary, only gotten worse.

Even the European press has long ago stopped even pretending that these immigrants are Syrian refugees. For quite many months the press kept up the pretense that they are, but to my understanding by this point the majority of the press doesn't even bother anymore, and when they aren't completely silent about the origin of the immigrants, they are relatively open about them being from Africa and places other than Syria.

And there is no end in sight. European countries are doing essentially nothing to stop the flood of immigrants. Europe is getting up to a million economic migrants every single year, and there are no signs that it will stop in the foreseeable future.

Many countries are struggling under this weight, as their resources and being drained ever so increasingly. Yet, somehow, they are keeping up the pretenses that everything is just fine.

There is a limit to how many economic immigrants even a rich European country can support. These resources are becoming more and more strained every single day. The only possible outcome of this is a complete economic collapse.

And this isn't even taking into account the increased amount of crime. There will inevitably also come a point where the police simply cannot do anything about crime, for the simple reason that they don't have the resources.

European countries will become slums, ridden with crime, violence and protests. Many, if not most, wealthy and middle-class citizens will probably move out of the country, somewhere else, to escape the total economic and social collapse. This mass emigration of the wealthy native people will only speed up the collapse.

And once a country has completely collapsed like this, it will not only mean the destruction of the society and the welfare system, but there will also be a massive amount of property damage and looting. People's private property will be looted or destroyed, as well as invaluable historical and cultural artifacts and works of art. It will all be gone, and the amount of historical and cultural loss will be enormous and irreparable.

You might think that I'm exaggerating. Well, we'll see. I will be taking bets on which western European country will be the first to suffer a complete economic collapse.
